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Athletes and Breast Implants: Risks to Be Aware Of

Woman holding her head Smiling

There are a plethora of ways to enhance your curves and get the lovely figure you've always wanted. 

One of the many areas subject to change by patients is the breasts. They don't know that their body type significantly influences the quality of results for breast implants.

Therefore if you're muscular, fit, or athletic, this article is for you. 

Breast Augmentation Procedures Vary For Athletic & Muscular Women

Everyone's built differently, especially athletes. Women that frequently exercise tend to have muscular frames. If they lift and do strength training, then broader structures are much more common.

The change in their body type, given their increased muscle mass, affects their breast augmentation surgery results. Extra muscle alters the approach to performing the surgery.

Breast Implant Size And Shape

As with all breast implant procedures in Los Angeles, the breasts' size and shape need to be heavily considered.

Women with slimmer frames that are fit and muscular are recommended to consider implants that complement their look rather than stray away from a natural appearance.

Women that are very muscular with pronounced pectoral muscles are to do the same. Proportion is critical for these patients because the implant can be too apparent if very large.

Should The Implant Be Submuscular Or Subglandular?

One of the most important concerns for female athletes considering implants is which area of the breast the implant will be placed.

There are two primary placements:

The subglandular placement means that the implant is located under the mammary gland and above the pectoral muscle.

submuscular placement entails the implant being placed below the mammary gland and the pectoral muscle. 

There's debate amongst surgeons about implant placement on athletes. Submuscular placements can yield excellent results, but the risk of implant deformity or rupture is possible through exercise.

Silicone Or Saline?

When it comes to breast implants, many wonder what material is to be used. Silicone feels and looks more natural, but leaks are harder to detect.

If a saline implant ruptures, it's easily detectable and poses as less of a medical threat. Additionally, inserting these implants requires smaller and less noticeable incisions.

What's The Best Breast Enhancement In Los Angeles?

If you're not interested in making changes to your breasts with risks, opt for a safer alternative, using your natural fat to add more volume.

One of the best options in Los Angeles is the AirSculpt® Up A Cup™ by Elite Body Sculpture. This minimally invasive breast augmentation doesn't use a scalpel, needle, or general anesthesia.

Additionally, our procedures' downtime is much less than that of traditional implants, a time of only 48 hours.

While we understand that the amount of extractable fat in athletes is much less than the average person, our AirSculpt® technology is so precise that we can take it out if it's pinchable. 

Therefore, be aware of the potential risks derived from implants and know that our AirSculpt® Up A Cup™ provides a more natural augmentation that won't pose a risk of rupturing.

Call or visit our Beverly Hills MedSpa to start your first consultation! 

Woman holding her head Smiling

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There are a plethora of ways to enhance your curves and get the lovely figure you've always wanted. 

One of the many areas subject to change by patients is the breasts. They don't know that their body type significantly influences the quality of results for breast implants.

Therefore if you're muscular, fit, or athletic, this article is for you. 

Breast Augmentation Procedures Vary For Athletic & Muscular Women

Everyone's built differently, especially athletes. Women that frequently exercise tend to have muscular frames. If they lift and do strength training, then broader structures are much more common.

The change in their body type, given their increased muscle mass, affects their breast augmentation surgery results. Extra muscle alters the approach to performing the surgery.

Breast Implant Size And Shape

As with all breast implant procedures in Los Angeles, the breasts' size and shape need to be heavily considered.

Women with slimmer frames that are fit and muscular are recommended to consider implants that complement their look rather than stray away from a natural appearance.

Women that are very muscular with pronounced pectoral muscles are to do the same. Proportion is critical for these patients because the implant can be too apparent if very large.

Should The Implant Be Submuscular Or Subglandular?

One of the most important concerns for female athletes considering implants is which area of the breast the implant will be placed.

There are two primary placements:

The subglandular placement means that the implant is located under the mammary gland and above the pectoral muscle.

submuscular placement entails the implant being placed below the mammary gland and the pectoral muscle. 

There's debate amongst surgeons about implant placement on athletes. Submuscular placements can yield excellent results, but the risk of implant deformity or rupture is possible through exercise.

Silicone Or Saline?

When it comes to breast implants, many wonder what material is to be used. Silicone feels and looks more natural, but leaks are harder to detect.

If a saline implant ruptures, it's easily detectable and poses as less of a medical threat. Additionally, inserting these implants requires smaller and less noticeable incisions.

What's The Best Breast Enhancement In Los Angeles?

If you're not interested in making changes to your breasts with risks, opt for a safer alternative, using your natural fat to add more volume.

One of the best options in Los Angeles is the AirSculpt® Up A Cup™ by Elite Body Sculpture. This minimally invasive breast augmentation doesn't use a scalpel, needle, or general anesthesia.

Additionally, our procedures' downtime is much less than that of traditional implants, a time of only 48 hours.

While we understand that the amount of extractable fat in athletes is much less than the average person, our AirSculpt® technology is so precise that we can take it out if it's pinchable. 

Therefore, be aware of the potential risks derived from implants and know that our AirSculpt® Up A Cup™ provides a more natural augmentation that won't pose a risk of rupturing.

Call or visit our Beverly Hills MedSpa to start your first consultation! 

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