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Choose Tiny Tuck™ Denver and Avoid the Harsh Downtime of A Tummy Tuck

Woman holding her head Smiling

When it comes to understanding the aspirations and body goals of women in Denver, having a flat stomach or a toned, defined abdomen is always a top priority. Many of us go on different measures to achieve that goal: weight control, exercise, and fasting are just a few of the routes taken, but sometimes, these measures do not ultimately help us to achieve our goals.

Some people that are at their correct body weight and live a healthy lifestyle still have a hard time achieving that flat belly, and we have to understand that there are different reasons for this issue. The most common ones are:

  1. Hereditary Loose Skin
  2. Fast Aging
  3. Pregnancy (or the result of C-section)
  4. Prior Abdominal Surgery
  5. Extreme Weight Loss or fluctuations (losing and gaining weight fast)

There’s a wide array of offerings when deciding what type of body sculpting procedure to choose. Most of us consider the downtime and risks with every treatment, but when considering tummy tucks (also known as abdominoplasties), there’s a lot to talk about.

Tummy Tucks cut off excess skin tissue, and in most cases, restore separated or weakened muscles to improve the abdominal region, making it look much firmer and smoother. This procedure can also enhance the abdomen areas affected by giving birth or Cesarean sections. Notably, these do not involve fat removal, although they can be combined with procedures like stomach liposuction for that purpose.

Traditional Vs. Modern Tummy Tucks: The Downtime Battle

Traditional tummy tucks involve an extensive list of risks and side effects that may develop during or after the procedure. These tummy tuck side effects demand a longer recovery process than generally estimated. These risks may include:

  • Severe bleeding and infections
  • Poor wound healing
  • Death of fatty tissues found in the skin (fat necrosis)
  • Veins thrombosis
  • Cardiac or pulmonary complications
  • Anesthesia complications

Because tummy tucks are quite invasive, requiring general anesthesia and drainage tubes to help remove liquid oozing from the body, this solution to your may start to sound like a questionable decision. If complications don’t arise, downtime for this surgery is still three weeks or more, with necessary follow-ups and no movement or activities allowed during this period.

Unlike a traditional tummy tuck, AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™  is a much faster, reliable, and versatile process. Patients can remove unwanted fat using patented AirSculpt® technology during their minimally invasive tuck procedure. Either way, all the Tiny Tuck™ requires is a small incision made discreetly below the bikini line to remove extra skin. 

The AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ process uses dissolvable sutures and local anesthesia. Patients are awake throughout the operation, no drains are used, and downtime is minimal. Most even return to work and normal activities in three days, quite a difference from the drastic side effects of tummy tucks. 

The Emotional Downtime: Achieving Your Goals

Your benefits with AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ versus a traditional tummy tuck are far more than just decreased downtime. It also involves the emotional aspect of undergoing surgery and achieving results the way you expect them to be. These benefits include:

  1. No general anesthesia used, only local
  2. Dissolvable stitches, no removal required (leaving no extreme scar)
  3. No drains needed
  4. The procedure can be done with or without AirSculpt® fat removal
  5. Most people return to normal activities in three days.

AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ allows you to experience that additional boost of confidence that makes all the difference. New moms can feel like themselves again and regain their original body without the struggle of being away or having a long recovery from a tummy tuck.

Not a mom? No worries. Denver patients struggling to achieve a firm stomach, but also who do not have a lot of time to monitor their diet and exercise, can benefit greatly from this procedure. Removing that additional loose skin and getting a smoother, more defined abdomen while providing tightness to the area should not require the side effects of a tummy tuck.

If you’re interested in AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ and want to know more about this life-changing experience, come visit our pristine Denver Medical Spa right across the street from Cherry Creek Shopping Center, and minutes from the Denver Country Club. 

Woman holding her head Smiling

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When it comes to understanding the aspirations and body goals of women in Denver, having a flat stomach or a toned, defined abdomen is always a top priority. Many of us go on different measures to achieve that goal: weight control, exercise, and fasting are just a few of the routes taken, but sometimes, these measures do not ultimately help us to achieve our goals.

Some people that are at their correct body weight and live a healthy lifestyle still have a hard time achieving that flat belly, and we have to understand that there are different reasons for this issue. The most common ones are:

  1. Hereditary Loose Skin
  2. Fast Aging
  3. Pregnancy (or the result of C-section)
  4. Prior Abdominal Surgery
  5. Extreme Weight Loss or fluctuations (losing and gaining weight fast)

There’s a wide array of offerings when deciding what type of body sculpting procedure to choose. Most of us consider the downtime and risks with every treatment, but when considering tummy tucks (also known as abdominoplasties), there’s a lot to talk about.

Tummy Tucks cut off excess skin tissue, and in most cases, restore separated or weakened muscles to improve the abdominal region, making it look much firmer and smoother. This procedure can also enhance the abdomen areas affected by giving birth or Cesarean sections. Notably, these do not involve fat removal, although they can be combined with procedures like stomach liposuction for that purpose.

Traditional Vs. Modern Tummy Tucks: The Downtime Battle

Traditional tummy tucks involve an extensive list of risks and side effects that may develop during or after the procedure. These tummy tuck side effects demand a longer recovery process than generally estimated. These risks may include:

  • Severe bleeding and infections
  • Poor wound healing
  • Death of fatty tissues found in the skin (fat necrosis)
  • Veins thrombosis
  • Cardiac or pulmonary complications
  • Anesthesia complications

Because tummy tucks are quite invasive, requiring general anesthesia and drainage tubes to help remove liquid oozing from the body, this solution to your may start to sound like a questionable decision. If complications don’t arise, downtime for this surgery is still three weeks or more, with necessary follow-ups and no movement or activities allowed during this period.

Unlike a traditional tummy tuck, AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™  is a much faster, reliable, and versatile process. Patients can remove unwanted fat using patented AirSculpt® technology during their minimally invasive tuck procedure. Either way, all the Tiny Tuck™ requires is a small incision made discreetly below the bikini line to remove extra skin. 

The AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ process uses dissolvable sutures and local anesthesia. Patients are awake throughout the operation, no drains are used, and downtime is minimal. Most even return to work and normal activities in three days, quite a difference from the drastic side effects of tummy tucks. 

The Emotional Downtime: Achieving Your Goals

Your benefits with AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ versus a traditional tummy tuck are far more than just decreased downtime. It also involves the emotional aspect of undergoing surgery and achieving results the way you expect them to be. These benefits include:

  1. No general anesthesia used, only local
  2. Dissolvable stitches, no removal required (leaving no extreme scar)
  3. No drains needed
  4. The procedure can be done with or without AirSculpt® fat removal
  5. Most people return to normal activities in three days.

AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ allows you to experience that additional boost of confidence that makes all the difference. New moms can feel like themselves again and regain their original body without the struggle of being away or having a long recovery from a tummy tuck.

Not a mom? No worries. Denver patients struggling to achieve a firm stomach, but also who do not have a lot of time to monitor their diet and exercise, can benefit greatly from this procedure. Removing that additional loose skin and getting a smoother, more defined abdomen while providing tightness to the area should not require the side effects of a tummy tuck.

If you’re interested in AirSculpt® Tiny Tuck™ and want to know more about this life-changing experience, come visit our pristine Denver Medical Spa right across the street from Cherry Creek Shopping Center, and minutes from the Denver Country Club. 

Woman holding her head Smiling
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