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Understanding Lipedema's Mystifying Causes and Most Effective Treatments

Woman holding her head Smiling

Lipedema is a real condition that, due to its very similar spelling to lymphedema, has caused it to be overlooked. 

Lipedema, in simple terms, is the development of too much fat below the waist. Yet, it's a diagnosis by doctors that is difficult to pinpoint, given that most with lipedema are often overweight. That said, it's essential to understand that lipedema is not obesity. 

Lipedema related fat is not affected by exercise and diet, which is why it's a medically-related problem. It means "fluid in the fat," and these excessive fat deposits are found on the legs, thighs, butt, and upper arms. It's practically only a medical condition found in women.

Women usually report as if they feel as if they have two bodies. Their upper body may seem ordinary, yet their lower half becomes out of proportion. 

Here's the frustrating thing about lipedema: no one knows what causes it. 

The Unknown Lipedema Causes

 Lipedema is the chronic condition in which fat cells abnormally appear on the lower body. Due to the little research involved in lipedema, it's symptoms are poorly understood and rarely taught by most medical institutions. 

To this day, the cause is still a complete mystery. It's likely to be related to hormonal and genetic factors alongside childbirth, menopause, or the onset of puberty.

What's important is that nowadays more attention is being given towards this condition, making the diagnosability a lot more accurate. Additionally, the growing awareness of lipedema has fostered a series of surgical procedures to treat it. 

What is the Best Lipedema Treatment?

The traditional lipedema treatments, also known as various types of liposuctions, may get the job done, but not always in the safest and most precise manner.

Traditional liposuction is heavily flawed, which is why the city of Houston is looking for optimal treatment.

That optimal procedure is the AirSculpt® Lipedema Treatment

What Makes it the Optimal Choice?

AirSculpt® technology was patented and developed by Elite Body Sculpture, a minimally invasive fat removal procedure that doesn't use a scalpel, needle, or general anesthesia. 

What else makes this procedure so minimally invasive? The patented AirSculpt® cannula that has been specifically designed to spin in such a manner than it plucks the fat out cell by cell and protects the surrounding tissues.

The AirSculpt® Lipedema Treatment also doesn't involve nasty scarring. That's because a perfectly symmetrical 2-millimeter aperture is formed with a biopsy punch. After the fat is extracted from the treated areas, the Elite Body Sculpture surgeon leaves it to heal naturally, only leaving a freckle sized mark afterward.

Elite Body Sculpture Exists To Resolve Your Lipedema Problems

At Elite Body Sculpture, we understand how mentally draining and overwhelming it is to have excess fat develop on your body without medical studies able to pinpoint its exact causes.

This is why at our offices, our primary focus isn't to sculpt your body into a new, redefined form but to sculpt your confidence to new, unforeseen levels.

It is our mission statement that you walk out of those doors feeling like a completely renewed person. If you're ready to make these changes to your body and your self-esteem, go to Elite Body Sculpture Houston to begin your first consultation. 

Woman holding her head Smiling

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Lipedema is a real condition that, due to its very similar spelling to lymphedema, has caused it to be overlooked. 

Lipedema, in simple terms, is the development of too much fat below the waist. Yet, it's a diagnosis by doctors that is difficult to pinpoint, given that most with lipedema are often overweight. That said, it's essential to understand that lipedema is not obesity. 

Lipedema related fat is not affected by exercise and diet, which is why it's a medically-related problem. It means "fluid in the fat," and these excessive fat deposits are found on the legs, thighs, butt, and upper arms. It's practically only a medical condition found in women.

Women usually report as if they feel as if they have two bodies. Their upper body may seem ordinary, yet their lower half becomes out of proportion. 

Here's the frustrating thing about lipedema: no one knows what causes it. 

The Unknown Lipedema Causes

 Lipedema is the chronic condition in which fat cells abnormally appear on the lower body. Due to the little research involved in lipedema, it's symptoms are poorly understood and rarely taught by most medical institutions. 

To this day, the cause is still a complete mystery. It's likely to be related to hormonal and genetic factors alongside childbirth, menopause, or the onset of puberty.

What's important is that nowadays more attention is being given towards this condition, making the diagnosability a lot more accurate. Additionally, the growing awareness of lipedema has fostered a series of surgical procedures to treat it. 

What is the Best Lipedema Treatment?

The traditional lipedema treatments, also known as various types of liposuctions, may get the job done, but not always in the safest and most precise manner.

Traditional liposuction is heavily flawed, which is why the city of Houston is looking for optimal treatment.

That optimal procedure is the AirSculpt® Lipedema Treatment

What Makes it the Optimal Choice?

AirSculpt® technology was patented and developed by Elite Body Sculpture, a minimally invasive fat removal procedure that doesn't use a scalpel, needle, or general anesthesia. 

What else makes this procedure so minimally invasive? The patented AirSculpt® cannula that has been specifically designed to spin in such a manner than it plucks the fat out cell by cell and protects the surrounding tissues.

The AirSculpt® Lipedema Treatment also doesn't involve nasty scarring. That's because a perfectly symmetrical 2-millimeter aperture is formed with a biopsy punch. After the fat is extracted from the treated areas, the Elite Body Sculpture surgeon leaves it to heal naturally, only leaving a freckle sized mark afterward.

Elite Body Sculpture Exists To Resolve Your Lipedema Problems

At Elite Body Sculpture, we understand how mentally draining and overwhelming it is to have excess fat develop on your body without medical studies able to pinpoint its exact causes.

This is why at our offices, our primary focus isn't to sculpt your body into a new, redefined form but to sculpt your confidence to new, unforeseen levels.

It is our mission statement that you walk out of those doors feeling like a completely renewed person. If you're ready to make these changes to your body and your self-esteem, go to Elite Body Sculpture Houston to begin your first consultation. 

Woman holding her head Smiling
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