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Permanent Results.

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Body Sculpting, Redefined


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Forget Liposuction – Funk Flex Went With AirSculpt!

celebtrity Funkmaster Flex

American DJ Funkmaster Flex took a significant step toward his body goals by treating his stomach, back, and armpit with patented AirSculpt technology! Given the Instagram caption he posted along with a clip of his treatment, it’s safe to say the music icon genuinely enjoyed his Elite experience:  

“Today I took a step I always wanted to try! @elitebodysculpture works on those hard areas... lower stomach, arm pit sides and back fat! No anesthesia, awake the entire time! I really enjoyed it!”

The video of Flex’s New York City treatment set the social media world ablaze with hilarious memes and reactions to his “liposuction” video. One key difference between AirSculpt and lipo, however, is that the artist was awake to watch his stubborn fat instantly removed and still got back to work the very next day:

“Home now sore a little able to go back to work tomorrow! Your staff was amazing! … DO YALL SEE THE FAT GOING THROUGH THE TUBE IN REAL TIME?”

About Funkmaster Flex:

Funkmaster Flex is a rapper, record producer, actor, and radio host. In 1992, he became the host of the first hip hop radio show on Hot 97 in New York, a pop radio station. By the turn of the decade, Flex’s surging popularity helped him land a coveted MTV position with his daily show, Direct Effect.

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Check out how much fat we were able to remove!

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Here’s an idea of what Flex looked like long before AirSculpt:

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Jonathan Bennett
