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Treating Lipedema Without Invasive Surgery: Diets and Alternatives in San Diego

Woman holding her head Smiling

Eating healthy is underrated. When we live a healthy lifestyle, we feel better, sleep more, and have plentiful energy throughout the day. Lipoedema patients have to be careful to maintain or reduce their weight, so they benefit most from adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Studies demonstrate that 50 percent of lipedema patients struggle with being obese, making their symptoms worsen over time. That being said, dieting isn't the right approach. You should follow a conscious, balanced diet to ensure consistency.

Tips For A Balanced Diet

A healthy and balanced diet starts with fruits and vegetables. If there's no green on your plate, then you're doing something wrong.

Two to three portions of fruit are recommended per day. Yet, the more vegetables and fruit you consume, the fuller you'll feel.

There are also healthy fats. Yes, fats can be beneficial, such as linseed oil, avocados, and nuts. In terms of meat, eat lean means, eat less salt, and always break before meals. When it comes to drinking, only drink water and avoid any sugary drinks or alcohol.

Treating Lipedema Without Invasive Surgery

Lipedema is a frustrating condition for all patients. The cause of it unknown, and the treatments for it are invasive. 

Nevertheless, thanks to modern innovation in cosmetic procedures, lipedema can be treated without invasive measures.

The procedure that can offer the safest and most precise results for patients is Lipedema AirSculpt® by Elite Body Sculpture. If a lipedema diet treatment has resulted futile, this procedure will give you maximal results with minimally invasive technology. 

How Does The Lipedema AirSculpt® Work?

Lipedema AirSculpt® starts with the surgeon using the AirPen, a patented device that administers numbing medication with pressurized air. This means no needle injections are needed.

Afterward, a biopsy punch is used to make a 2-millimeter aperture on the treatment site affected by lipedema. Once there's a tiny hole formed, the patented AirSculpt® cannula is inserted, seamlessly plucking the fat from the area.

Once the fat is extracted, the aperture is naturally left to heal, leaving a scar the size of a freckle. 

The Benefits of Working With Elite Body Sculpture

The optimal lipedema treatment in San Diego is Lipedema AirSculpt® because Elite Body Sculpture works under the philosophy that patients can make changes to their body without discomfort or fearing medical complications.  

The recovery time for AirSculpt® is as short as 48 hours, and the results come from the most precise and safest technology on the market.

If you're looking for the best results, then work with the best. Elite Body Sculpture San Diego is your gateway to treating lipedema by not only sculpting your body but your confidence as well.

Woman holding her head Smiling

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Eating healthy is underrated. When we live a healthy lifestyle, we feel better, sleep more, and have plentiful energy throughout the day. Lipoedema patients have to be careful to maintain or reduce their weight, so they benefit most from adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Studies demonstrate that 50 percent of lipedema patients struggle with being obese, making their symptoms worsen over time. That being said, dieting isn't the right approach. You should follow a conscious, balanced diet to ensure consistency.

Tips For A Balanced Diet

A healthy and balanced diet starts with fruits and vegetables. If there's no green on your plate, then you're doing something wrong.

Two to three portions of fruit are recommended per day. Yet, the more vegetables and fruit you consume, the fuller you'll feel.

There are also healthy fats. Yes, fats can be beneficial, such as linseed oil, avocados, and nuts. In terms of meat, eat lean means, eat less salt, and always break before meals. When it comes to drinking, only drink water and avoid any sugary drinks or alcohol.

Treating Lipedema Without Invasive Surgery

Lipedema is a frustrating condition for all patients. The cause of it unknown, and the treatments for it are invasive. 

Nevertheless, thanks to modern innovation in cosmetic procedures, lipedema can be treated without invasive measures.

The procedure that can offer the safest and most precise results for patients is Lipedema AirSculpt® by Elite Body Sculpture. If a lipedema diet treatment has resulted futile, this procedure will give you maximal results with minimally invasive technology. 

How Does The Lipedema AirSculpt® Work?

Lipedema AirSculpt® starts with the surgeon using the AirPen, a patented device that administers numbing medication with pressurized air. This means no needle injections are needed.

Afterward, a biopsy punch is used to make a 2-millimeter aperture on the treatment site affected by lipedema. Once there's a tiny hole formed, the patented AirSculpt® cannula is inserted, seamlessly plucking the fat from the area.

Once the fat is extracted, the aperture is naturally left to heal, leaving a scar the size of a freckle. 

The Benefits of Working With Elite Body Sculpture

The optimal lipedema treatment in San Diego is Lipedema AirSculpt® because Elite Body Sculpture works under the philosophy that patients can make changes to their body without discomfort or fearing medical complications.  

The recovery time for AirSculpt® is as short as 48 hours, and the results come from the most precise and safest technology on the market.

If you're looking for the best results, then work with the best. Elite Body Sculpture San Diego is your gateway to treating lipedema by not only sculpting your body but your confidence as well.

Woman holding her head Smiling
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